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Bande À Part

aggiornamento 18/07/2013

Presentation and Philosophy:

Bande à Part is a Film School founded by practicing professionals from all areas of filmmaking, with a teaching experience of over 18 years. Led by Luis Aller and María José García, several generations of young filmmakers from all around the world have come to us to learn the tricks of the trade, and our doors are open to you.

Teachers at Bande à Part have direct contact with the professional world and know very well what you need to train in the different film disciplines and to get a job in the field.

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Our students are present in Film and TV productions as Directors, Camera Operators, Screenwriters, Directors of Photography, Production Managers, Editors, Sound technicians, Machine Operators, Art Directors, Props Masters, Assistant Directors and Lighting Technicians among others.

Our teaching proposal is the result of the many hours dedicated to our students and our profession, hands on, during years of shootings and classes.

At Bande à Part we orient your training as film maker and we enhance your talent through the study of the art of cinema, through learning the techniques, through hands on practice with the tools and through shooting experience.

Bande à Part A School that teaches Film Thinking.
In order to make films, inspiration is not enough. Not even talent. It is necessary to learn to use it. What are films made of? How did the great filmmakers make them? Get to know the works of art that created the art of cinema. The ones that changed it… and apply it to your films!


Number of students/ full-time/ part-time workshops: 250/90

Number of students in film/animation studies: 250

Number of students: 250 for the academic year 2012-2013

Number of international students: 90

Number of teachers: 39


Degree category/length of studies:

B.A. in Cinematography (3 years) with a major starting the second year.




M.A in film direction (1year) in film direction

Programme objective and content:

B.A.: To provide you with the knowledge that makes up a wide film culture, to help you develop your own cinematographic thinking and to master the tools that allow film making in HD, Cine Digital Red One y Red Epic y 35 mm

M.A: The main objective of the Master is to channel and boost each student’s creativity as well as training you in the artistic, technological and practical abilities necessary to direct films. We provide you with the necessary tools to control the means that will allow you develop your ideas and transform them into films. We help you focus your talent and interests and channel them into your own projects. We guide you in your process of creation of your first feature film.

There are theory and practice sessions, conferences, film analysis, tutorials in all subjects, shooting of practical exercises in HD and Final Project.

All students will shoot a Final Project for the Master in HD format with a duration of 10 minutes using a Red One camera and all the technical equipment available at the School. To prepare the screenplay and plan the project, the student will have tutorials for individualized monitoring on the part of the screenplay, direction, editing and photography teachers among others. For pre-production and shooting, there will be team coordination and direct supervision on the part of the Production Department in the School.

All students will develop a Feature Film Screenplay during the course, for which they will have special tutorials. In the September-December trimester, work will continue on the feature film, finalizing the Project File which will serve you to shoot your first feature film.

The Master students have the opportunity of shooting Free Projects using the School’s Equipment. You will take part in Professional Shootings. You will also have the possibility of attending classes and seminars in the Bachelor

Admission and entry requirements:

(Fees, deadlines, credit requirements...)

BA 5.800 euros if you pay  by instalments

     5100 if you pay in one lump sum



• Minimum age: 16 years.

• Academic qualification required to be eligible for the B.A: High school certificate or similar



•Application form duly completed and signed by the student. 

•Passport or National Document copy.

•2 photo boot

•Proof of payment

•The places offered are assigned by rigorous order of registration, while the transfer has been confirmed.


School Information:

Bande à Part. Film School.
C/ París, 143. Local.
08036 Barcelona
Phone: +34 93 444 76 78
Fax: +34 93 419 13 89


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