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CPH:DOX 2021

CPH:DOX lance Big Digital Live Platform


- David Byrne, Seyran Ates et Marina Abramovic feront partie des intervenants aux événements en ligne prévus ; le festival prépare en outre un programme pour la réouverture des cinémas danois le 6 mai

CPH:DOX lance Big Digital Live Platform
L'artiste serbe Marina Abramovic, une des invitées qui prendront part à Big Digital Live Platform

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

CPH:DOX, which this year runs online from 21 April-2 May, has announced the Big Digital Live Platform, a jam-packed debate programme with 40 digital live talks and panels with well-established names and new voices. With large TV studio broadcasts and interactive formats, audiences can expect a festival of live conversations and encounters between people with experience and opinions.

Part of the live programme is the talk series dubbed “An Evening With”, where audiences can meet international artists, thinkers and activists in live conversations. These events focus on the potential of facilitating change through art, knowledge and engagement, this year diving into solutions to global crises – including, but not limited to, the current pandemic – and the role of art and activism in this effort.

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The guests include Marina Abramovic, the star of the film 512 Hours, which will world-premiere at CPH:DOX; Slavoj Zizek; David Byrne, with Spike Lee's American Utopia; and one of the world’s first female imams, Seyran Ates, who is portrayed in Nefise Özkal Lorentzen’s Seyran Ates: Sex, Revolution and Islam [+lire aussi :
fiche film
, world-premiering in competition at the festival.

The debate programme also offers several panels on a variety of topics. Experienced tech columnist from The New York Times Kevin Roose will discuss the race to create the world’s first artificial brain with scientists and robot experts. Relatives of the young whistleblower Reality Winner (from the competition entry The United States vs. Reality Winner by Sonia Kennebeck), who revealed Russia’s interference in the US election in 2016 and is now in prison, will be some of the guests of the live programme.

Currently, Danish cinemas are expected to open for audiences on 6 May, and the festival is planning a special, six-day programme to mark the occasion.

“In March 2020, CPH:DOX was among the first documentary film festivals in the world to go online,” says Tine Fischer, director of the gathering. “Now, we are ready to run a festival that has a bigger and more ambitious digital platform than ever before. And at the same time, we hope that our event can also have a physical dimension with films on the big screen. Therefore, we are now extending the festival until 12 May. We are really looking forward to meeting our audiences again – both in the digital space and in movie theatres.”

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