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Cartoon 2021 – Cartoon Springboard

Dossier industrie: Animation

À Cartoon Springboard, Telidja Klaï, de Ketnet, plonge au coeur de la psychologie du développement et des stratégies pour façonner les contenus en fonction


L’experte a décrit dans quelle mesure les connaissances scientifiques sur les comportements infantiles peuvent aider les créateurs à produire des contenus capables de stimuler le jeune public

À Cartoon Springboard, Telidja Klaï, de Ketnet, plonge au coeur de la psychologie du développement et des stratégies pour façonner les contenus en fonction
Telidja Klaï, de Ketnet, pendant son allocution

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

On day 3 of this year’s Cartoon Springboard, held in Valencia from 26-28 October, Telidja Klaï hosted a one-hour keynote speech entitled “Understanding Your Target Audience”. Klaï holds a PhD in Developmental Psychology, and is currently responsible for programming and acquisitions strategies at Ketnet, the children’s channel owned and operated by Flemish pubcaster VRT. Her talk initially touched upon Ketnet’s mission and values, and later focused on the importance of children’s development and how this can help industry players gain a better understanding of their target audience. Speaking about Ketnet’s mission, Klaï explained how the broadcaster’s objective is, in contrast with other major players, to provide a “360-degree experience” where “every child is a VIP” enjoying “local content with added value”. Ketnet’s content, she added, placesa strong emphasis on accessibility and inclusion, and is produced in collaboration with experts and centres of expertise. To date, the group controls ten children-orientated channels in Belgium, but besides these “linear” media, it now aims to “build a Ketnet world” for children. Klaï explained that Ketnet currently reaches 92% of Flemish children, but its priority remains “to intercept the ones still missing”.

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This “360 degree” editorial strategy is based on three main pillars: live events intended as an opportunity for children to learn and experience new things; original and local TV content; and digital products, including games, to stimulate interaction and surprise. Building such a complex range of content cannot be done without seeking expert advice: “We’re not all encyclopedias. If you make content covering specific topics, please go to the experts. They will provide you with all of the information you need.” It’s not just about knowing what children like, but creating a genuine connection that goes beyond simple interviews. If required, she urged those listening to seek the help of a child coach to establish such a connection.

Among other recommendations, Klaï stressed the importance of escapism and positive thinking: “Children carry a backpack with lots of issues in it. If, with your content, you can make them get rid of that backpack, you’ll succeed. [...] If you work with children, it’s your responsibility to give them a light in the darkness, to find positive angles and messages.”

Next, Klaï spoke about motor development, and how stimulating this can enhance children’s social skills. Meanwhile, their strong perceptual development and natural “love for disorder” can be exploited to hone their attention to detail. When dealing with their social-emotional and cognitive development, Klaï highlighted that for children aged seven and above, it is essential to write a solid “relations map” for scripted content and to take into account the fact that children under the age of eight or nine experience difficulties in memorising past events. As their days are often filled with activities and homework, they struggle to “go back in time”, and therefore, the right strategy is to focus on the “here and now”. Finally, Klaï pointed out how important it is to stimulate identity development, which is essential to help children “understand the points of view of others”.

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