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by Marcos M. Merino


An impressive photographic archive is found: it documents four decades of life in an industrial valley that was the most populated in Spain. Meanwhile, a group of children learn to sing like their grandparents, three pensioners rehabilitate a mine as if they were in the 19th century and an archaeologist climbs a misty mountain in search of a Neolithic cave. Dissimilar journeys but parallel in their attempt to keep alive a memory that, although it changed the history of a place, is gradually fading. After the moving achievement of ReMine, Marcos Merino reflects on the significance of remembering through various overlapping stories. For there is no identity without memory.

original title: In Memoriam (la derrota conviene olvidarla)
country: Spain
year: 2018
genre: fiction
directed by: Marcos M. Merino
film run: 75'
cinematography by: Marcos M. Merino
producer: Marta F. Crestelo
production: Freews

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