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Florin Şerban estrenará el "thriller femenino" Hamlet este año


- El director ha decidido acercarse de una manera personal tanto a la financiación como a la distribución de la película

Florin Şerban estrenará el "thriller femenino" Hamlet este año
Irina Tufescu y Cosmina Stratan en Hamlet

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Given the fact that in small film industries, thrillers very rarely get financial support from public institutions, Romanian director Florin Şerban (If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle [+lee también:
ficha de la película
, Love I. Dog [+lee también:
entrevista: Florin Şerban
ficha de la película
) has independently produced Hamlet, a psychological thriller that starts off with a stage production of Shakespeare’s play of the same name, only to veer off in an unexpected direction. The film is being staged by Şerban’s Fantascope Films, SoundMind (Poland), Avanpost (Romania), (Romania) and Earlybird (Romania). The feature has as many as 19 co-producers, including the cast and members of the technical team.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

The screenplay, written by Şerban, starts with a casting session for Hamlet. There are five characters who die in Shakespeare’s play: Ofelia, Polonius, Gertrude, Claudius and Laert. And then Hamlet. Five actresses come along for the casting. The door opens, and Hamlet shows up. And he has a proposition for the actresses: they will all act to the death.

The budget amounts to €230,000. The film was shot in 2020 in a Bucharest studio and in the Comana Natural Park. Andrei Butică (Ana, mon amour [+lee también:
entrevista: Călin Peter Netzer
ficha de la película
) is the film’s DoP and is also one of the film’s co-producers. The main characters are played by Cosmina Stratan, Roberta Antonie, Andreea Grămoşteanu, Irina Tufescu, Sabrina Iaşchevici and Igor Babiac. Besides taking on writing, directing and producing duties, Şerban was also in charge of the editing.

The director tells Cineuropa that Hamlet is a “high-concept thriller” and “a feminine thriller. […] As genre films very rarely get financing in Romania, […] making it independently was the only viable solution. It boasts investment from Fantascope Films, but the entire cast, the companies that joined the venture and many people from the team agreed that we would all participate in it as co-producers and would share part of the earnings. It is a risky financial endeavour, but this aspect was not important. Together, we have made a powerful film, a movie that both conveys emotion to and changes the viewer, a film that haunts you. It would have come out so differently if it had been financed in the traditional way – without doubt not as powerful or as honest,” Şerban explains.

Hamlet was supposed to be released this spring, but the team chose to postpone the release when the war broke out in neighbouring Ukraine at the end of February. Also, Şerban says that his film is intended for private viewing and that it will never be screened in Romanian cinemas.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del inglés)

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