Other videos

400 other videos available in total starting from 29/08/2002. Last updated on 03/09/2023. 4 other videos inserted in the last 12 months.


Filmtipp [DE]

Macbeth by Justin Kurzel

Red Carpet Roma [IT]

Made in Dagenham by Nigel Cole

A Look Inside [DE]

Mama by Andres Muschietti

The Manny

Filmtipp [DE]

The Manny by Matthias Schweighöfer, Torsten Künstler

Filmtipp [DE]

Maps to the Stars by David Cronenberg

Nevio Marasović


Nevio Marasović

Croatian filmmaker Nevio Marasović expresses his gratitude for the Cineuropa Award presented to his film Vis-à-vis at the Brussels Film Festival 2014  

Me and Kaminski

Filmtipp [DE]

Me and Kaminski by Wolfgang Becker

Meet Cineuropa @ #Cannes2022 - Take 1

“It seems that, at least industry-wise, things are finally getting back to normal”

Meet Cineuropa @ #Cannes2022 - Take 1 by Elena Lazic

In the first episode of our new short video series from this year's Cannes Film Festival, Elena Lazic talks to Cineuropa journalist Davide Abbatescianni  

Meet Cineuropa @ #Cannes2022 - Take 2

"I try to see as much as I can"

Meet Cineuropa @ #Cannes2022 - Take 2 by Elena Lazic

In the second episode of our new short video series from this year's Cannes Film Festival, Elena Lazic talks to freelance journalist Teresa Vena  

Meet Cineuropa @ #Cannes2022 - Take 3

"Luckily, I saw quite a lot of films that I'm not allowed to talk about!"

Meet Cineuropa @ #Cannes2022 - Take 3 by Elena Lazic

In the third episode of our new short video series from this year's Cannes Film Festival, Elena Lazic talks to journalist Kaleem Aftab  

Meet Cineuropa @ #Cannes2022 - Take 4

"When you talk to journalists, for them it really feels like a business trip! You can get used to it"

Meet Cineuropa @ #Cannes2022 - Take 4 by Elena Lazic

In the fourth episode of our new short video series from this year's Cannes Film Festival, Elena Lazic talks to journalist Marta Bałaga  

Meet Cineuropa @ #Cannes2022 - Take 5

"You have no idea how many stories started here, around a drink, speaking about something else, then one thing leads to another and the film is born"

Meet Cineuropa @ #Cannes2022 - Take 5 by Elena Lazic

In the fifth episode of our new short video series from this year's Cannes Film Festival, Elena Lazic talks to Cineuropa editor-in-chief Domenico La Porta  

Meet Cineuropa @ #Cannes2022 - Take 6

"I'm not one of the people bashing Crimes of the Future because they expected more blood; when I go to the theatre, I expect to see a good story"

Meet Cineuropa @ #Cannes2022 - Take 6 by Elena Lazic

In the sixth episode of our new short video series from this year's Cannes Film Festival, Elena Lazic catches up once again with Cineuropa journalist Davide...  

Meet Cineuropa @ #Cannes2022 - Take 7

"This year, there aren't so many sex scenes, and there's a lot of vomiting!"

Meet Cineuropa @ #Cannes2022 - Take 7 by Elena Lazic

In the seventh episode of our new short video series from this year's Cannes Film Festival, Elena Lazic catches up once again with Teresa Vena  

Meet Cineuropa @ #Cannes2022 - Take 8

"Personally, I obviously love the great masters, but I'm also extremely interested in feature debuts, even though they're more flawed"

Meet Cineuropa @ #Cannes2022 - Take 8 by Elena Lazic

In the eighth episode of our series of short videos filmed at this year's Cannes Film Festival, Elena Lazic meets our French correspondent, Fabien Lemercier  

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