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70% of cross-border TV channels fall under the AVMSD jurisdiction of the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Spain


- The information is now available on the freely accessible European Audiovisual Observatory’s database MAVISE

70% of cross-border TV channels fall under the AVMSD jurisdiction of the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Spain

As a result of the European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO)’s cooperation with the European Commission under the EU’s Creative Europe programme, MAVISE, the database of audiovisual services in Europe, now offers detailed information on the application of the European Union’s Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD).

In detail, the data available in MAVISE is based on contributions from the audiovisual regulatory authorities of the EU Member States as well as 14 other European countries and Morocco.

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Interestingly, the recent 2020 figures disclose some notable insights on the supply of audiovisual services in Europe. The first key trend shows that between Brexit and the transposition of the revised AVMSD, the supply of audiovisual services has been experiencing significant commotion. The official press release published by EAO highlights that “in a quest to secure continuity in their distribution outside the United Kingdom, traditionally UK-originating channels have been relocating over the past two years” and “transnational networks such as Discovery, Disney, NENT, NBC, Viacom, Sony, SPI International, Turner as well as the internationally targeted versions of Sky and BBC networks represented around 250 broadcasting licences migrating during this period.”

Furthermore, most of the relocated TV channels were cross-border services targeting foreign European audiences outside of the country of origin. In 2018, half of the channels available in Europe outside their country of origin were under UK jurisdiction, while at the end of the last year the share decreased to just 10%. Predictably, the shift generated a fragmented landscape and a repositioning of the main hubs. In 2020, the top five hubs were the Netherlands (27%), Luxembourg (19%), Spain (15%), the aforementioned UK (10%) and France (6%). However, the EAO reasonably noted that the snapshot was taken “in a context in which post-Brexit consequences are still to be felt and the AVMSD transposition is yet to be completed across the board” and that this fragmentation was “the result both of migrations and the continuity of a prominent trend towards diversification of the international TV channels in their new host territories.”

The new insights also indicate that 85% of TV channels addressing foreign European audiences now fall within the jurisdiction of a European Economic Area (EEA) country, and the Netherlands (32%), Luxembourg (22%) and Spain (18%) accounted for over two thirds of these broadcasters. Moreover, in contrast to most member states, over 75% of these channels fell under Luxembourg’s jurisdiction, owing to the usage of the satellite up-link situated in the country or the offered satellite capacity.

Currently, 94% of the TV channels available in the 41 European countries covered by MAVISE originate from one of these countries and, among these, almost two thirds fall under the jurisdiction of an EEA country.

The MAVISE database is freely accessible here

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