
6944 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 02/05/2024. 750 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.

The Wind. A Documentary Thriller by Michał Bielawski


Michał Bielawski's fourth feature-length documentary about a mysterious and destructive wind is a real tour de force  

Wiatr. Thriller dokumentalny

Wiatr. Thriller dokumentalny

The Champion by Leonardo D'Agostini


Leonardo D'Agostini’s debut film starring Stefano Accorsi and Andrea Carpenzano is a compelling story about friendship set in the world of professional, millionaire footballers in Italy  

Il Campione

Il Campione

Kiruna - A Brand New World by Greta Stocklassa


Czech-Swedish director Greta Stocklassa's first feature-length documentary is a well-measured but also emotional look at a city forced to relocate due to the effects of iron-ore mining  

Kiruna - překrásný nový svět

Kiruna - překrásný nový svět

Bikes. The Movie by Manuel J. García


This educational family film in 3D animation, produced by a team which spans three continents, looks to instil a sense of respect in children vis-à-vis the environment and the fight against pollution  

Bikes. The Movie

Bikes. The Movie

Don't Go by David Gleeson


David Gleeson's third directorial effort is rich in visually stunning atmospheres but could benefit from a more finely tuned script  

Don't Go

Don't Go

The Prado Museum. A Collection of Wonders by Valeria Parisi


Jeremy Irons guides viewers through the rooms of the Madrid museum devoted to Goya, El Greco, Titian and Bosch in this documentary, screened as a special event in Italy ahead of its worldwide release  

Il museo del Prado - La corte delle meraviglie

Il museo del Prado - La corte delle meraviglie

A Donkey Called Geronimo by Bigna Tomschin, Arjun Talwar


Arjun Talwar and Bigna Tomschin’s surprising documentary is imbued with a seductive sense of melancholy  

Der Esel hieß Geronimo

Der Esel hieß Geronimo

I Can Quit Whenever I Want by Carlos Therón


Mod Producciones attempt to replicate the box office success of the Italian film I Can Quit Whenever I Want with a Spanish remake directed by Carlos Therón  

Lo dejo cuando quiera

Lo dejo cuando quiera

The Accordionist's Son by Fernando Bernués


Fernando Bernués’ film adaptation of Bernardo Atxaga’s homonymous novel looks to recreate the nostalgia and the pain associated with the personal and political clashes of the original text  

Soinujolearen semea

Soinujolearen semea

Fiancées by Julia Bünter


Julia Bünter’s first full-length film is a non-judgemental exploration of the contradictions that plague Egpytian society as it wavers between the past and the present  



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