Film Reviews

7045 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 07/06/2024. 753 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.

Paradise War: The Story of Bruno Manser by Niklaus Hilber


Niklaus Hilber’s biopic of environmental activist Bruno Manser is one of the most anticipated and expensive films in the history of Swiss cinema  

Bruno Manser - Die Stimme des Regenwaldes

Bruno Manser - Die Stimme des Regenwaldes

The Giant by David Raboy


US director David Raboy's debut film is a tale about the transition to adulthood, displaying elements of horror and psychological drama but told in a rather unconvincing manner  

The Giant

The Giant

Invisible by Ignas Jonynas


The second feature from Lithuanian director Ignas Jonynas seals his reputation as a bold voyager into the human soul, with this brilliant — and disturbing — piece of craftsmanship  



The Song of Names by François Girard


San Sebastián’s closing-night film by François Girard is a prestige drama starring Tim Roth and Clive Owen, which tells a tale of friendship and music  

The Song of Names

The Song of Names

Jordi's Letters by Maider Fernández Iriarte


Spanish filmmaker Maider Fernández Iriarte makes her debut with a poignant documentary about the importance of human communication  

Las letras de Jordi

Las letras de Jordi

Death Will Come and Shall Have Your Eyes by José Luis Torres Leiva


Chilean director José Luis Torres Leiva unveils his latest work: a contemplative cinematic poem about our fear of death  

Vendrá la muerte y tendrá tus ojos

Vendrá la muerte y tendrá tus ojos

Adiós by Paco Cabezas


Following a successful career in the USA, Paco Cabezas returns to his native Seville with a suspenseful thriller about warring neighbours, family dramas, police corruption and the Andalusian mob  



A Thief's Daughter by Belén Funes


Belén Funes ensnares the audience with her raw approach to the daily life of a young mother, forced to grapple with loneliness, her troublesome father and a lack of affection  

La hija de un ladrón

La hija de un ladrón

Seventeen by Daniel Sánchez Arévalo


Spain’s Daniel Sánchez-Arévalo delivers a simple, likeable and heart-warming road movie, homing in on two brothers who struggle to understand one another  



Patrick by Gonçalo Waddington


As evocative as it is obtuse, the debut film from Gonçalo Waddington aims to give voice to the unspeakable in this story of a child abductee who, years later, finally finds his way home  



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