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PRODUZIONE / FINANZIAMENTI Belgio sostiene il nuovo film del duo Ann Sirot-Raphaël Balboni


- Il fondo di investimento regionale sostiene 13 nuovi progetti, tra cui il nuovo film dei due registi, vincitori del Magritte al miglior film per Une vie démente sostiene il nuovo film del duo Ann Sirot-Raphaël Balboni
I registi Ann Sirot e Raphaël Balboni, il cui nuovo progetto Le Syndrome des Amours Passés è stato selezionato (© Aurore Engelen/Cinevox)

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In its 18th session, has awarded aid to 13 audiovisual projects, of which 8 are feature films. Amongst them, we find (Ex)perience of Love [+leggi anche:
intervista: Ann Sirot e Raphael Balboni
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, which is the latest film put forth by the duo composed of Ann Sirot and Raphaël Balboni, who just won an impressive 7 Magritte awards for their first feature film Madly in Life [+leggi anche:
intervista: Raphaël Balboni e Ann Sirot
scheda film
. The movie will be produced by Hélicotronc (in co-production with Tripode Films in France), who are also supporting another project selected in this session, Chiennes de vie [+leggi anche:
intervista: Xavier Seron
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, by Xavier Seron, who is returning 6 years after his first feature film Death by Death [+leggi anche:
intervista: Xavier Seron
scheda film
, having just won the Best Short Film Magritte for Sprötch.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

Three first features are also receiving support off the back of this 18th session. The multi-faceted artist Baloji (filmmaker, musician, artistic director) is making the leap to feature films with Omen [+leggi anche:
intervista: Baloji
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, an ambitious project set to be shot in the spring in the DRC, and produced by Wrong Men (Belgium) in co-production with New Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and Serendipity Films (Belgium); while his short film T’es morte Hélène continues to prove a hit all over the world, Michiel Blanchart is preparing La Nuit se traine, a nocturnal thriller which is 100% Brussels-made, produced by Daylight Films (Belgium) in co-production with Formosa Productions (France) and A Private View (Belgium); and Binevsa Berivan is preparing La Vierge à l’enfant [+leggi anche:
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with Playtime Films and Polar Bear (Belgium), a project whose script she co-wrote with filmmaker David Lambert.

The self-same David Lambert (Beyond the Walls [+leggi anche:
making of
intervista: David Lambert
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, All Yours [+leggi anche:
making of
intervista: David Lambert
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) has also scooped support for his fourth feature film Les Tortues [+leggi anche:
intervista: David Lambert
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, which is produced by Artémis Productions (Belgium) in co-production with Christal Films Productions (Quebec) and W2 (USA).

Dominique Abel and Fiona Gordon (Rumba [+leggi anche:
intervista: Charles Gillibert
intervista: Dominique Abel e Fiona Gor…
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, Lost in Paris [+leggi anche:
intervista: Dominique Abel, Fiona Gordon
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) are hard at work on their 5th feature, The Falling Star [+leggi anche:
intervista: Dominique Abel & Fiona Gor…
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, which they’re producing in Belgium by way of their own firm Courage mon amour in co-production with France’s Moteur S’il Vous Plait.

Last but not least, animated feature Sirocco and the Kingdom of the Winds [+leggi anche:
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, directed by Benoît Chieux and written by Benoît Chieux and Alain Gagnol, has also earned support. Take Five are heading up production in Belgium while Sacrebleu Productions are in charge in France.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

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