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Il futuro del sottoprogramma MEDIA di Europa Creativa sotto i riflettori


- In inglese: Un appello comune da parte di 12 associazioni europee è stato rivolto al commissario Mariya Gabriel

Il futuro del sottoprogramma MEDIA di Europa Creativa sotto i riflettori
Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, the new European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society

Questo articolo è disponibile in inglese.

As the European Commission prepares to start a mid-term review of the Creative Europe MEDIA sub-programme and discuss the budget for 2027, European production, distribution and exhibition associations are emphasising the cultural and creative importance of the sub-programme, which is so crucial for small and medium-sized audiovisual enterprises across Europe. In a letter to Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, the new European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, and European Commissioners Tibor Navracsics (Education, Culture, Youth and Sport) and Günther Oettinger (Budget and Human Resources), 12 industry associations express their deepest concerns about the future of the MEDIA programme, especially in light of the new digital challenges the sector is facing.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

Over the course of the past 26 years, MEDIA has invested over €2.4 billion in European content, creativity and cultural diversity by assisting in the production of thousands of films, along with their international distribution and promotion. “MEDIA is also an essential partner in driving the competitiveness of the industry, and has fostered growth and job creation. It has demonstrated its clear added value for the film and TV sector in Europe,” underline European associations Animation EuropeCEPIEuropa CinemasEurocinemaEuropa DistributionEuropa InternationalFERAFIADIVFSAA and UNIC - International Union of Cinemas

The programme supports independent producers and small production companies, national film distributors, sales companies, the training of audiovisual professionals as well as the promotion of European works via film festivals and film markets. “These impressive achievements show that the MEDIA sub-programme, thanks to its effective and tailored spending, has been of great benefit to the European audiovisual sector.” 

European audiovisual works showcase the true value of cultural exchange, particularly in the face of current challenges, and MEDIA has always played an integral role in the celebration and promotion of the rich variety of European cultural expression. “The audiovisual sector will need the continued support of the MEDIA programme more than ever, to encourage cultural curiosity and openness, and to ensure a bright future for European film and TV,” continue the 12 European associations. “We therefore call on your support to safeguard MEDIA and put forward an ambitious proposal that avoids any possible MEDIA budget cuts in the next programming period 2020-2027, as it is clear that such restrictions would negatively impact both Europe’s cultural diversity and the economic growth of the European AV sector.”

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

(Tradotto dall'inglese)

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