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Venecia 2023 – Venice Production Bridge

Informe de industria: Iniciativas ecorresponsables y sostenibilidad

Screens of Tomorrow presentará sus guías en el Venice Production Bridge


Durante el evento, cuatro expertos de la industria europea hablarán sobre lo que están haciendo para conseguir más inclusividad y sostenibilidad

Screens of Tomorrow presentará sus guías en el Venice Production Bridge

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

On 1 September, Hotel Excelsior’s Spazio Incontri will host a panel titled “How to Write, Produce and Broadcast More Inclusive and Sustainable Fictions?”, during which the new Screens of Tomorrow guides will be unveiled. The event will unspool during this year’s Venice Production Bridge, running from 31 August-8 September during the Venice Film Festival.

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Screens of Tomorrow is a movement initiated by 100 French audiovisual and film-industry professionals, who aim to tell stories that strive for a more inclusive and sustainable society. Back in May, the movement hosted an impACT talk during Cannes’ Marché du Film and launched its English-language sustainability guide (see the news).

The talk on the Lido will bring together four European industry professionals who will explain how they work on pursuing inclusivity and sustainability. Three guides will be presented, which serve as tools for reflecting upon writing and storyline-development routines to create new reference points for viewers. The invited speakers are Françoise Guyonnet, executive managing director of TV Series at Studiocanal; Paula Alvarez Vaccaro, producer and screenwriter at Pinball London; Helge Albers, CEO of the MOIN Film Fund Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein; and Mercedes Fernandez Alonso, managing director of the TorinoFilmLab.

The panel is being organised in partnership with Screens of Tomorrow founding members Vivendi and Canal+ Group. Other partners include the CNC, Get the Moon and Sparknews.

The event will kick off on 1 September at 9:30 am.

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