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Doc Lab Poland recibe el Premio EDN


- En inglés: La iniciativa es el mayor y más versátil programa para documentalistas dirigida a proyectos polacos

Doc Lab Poland recibe el Premio EDN
Los responsables del Doc Lab Poland, Adam Slesicki y Katarzyna Slesicka (© Doc Lab Poland)

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The 14th EDN Award is presented to Adam Ślesicki and Katarzyna Ślesicka from Doc Lab Poland. They receive the award in recognition of their outstanding contribution to the development of the European documentary culture through their work in connection with the Doc Lab Poland initiative.

Adam Ślesicki and Katarzyna Ślesicka receive the 2018 EDN Award for their work in establishing and running Doc Lab Poland, which is the largest and most multi-faceted programme for documentary filmmakers organized in Poland for Polish projects. The initiative supports auteur-driven creative documentary filmmaking and features a comprehensive programme for the development of film projects. In addition to development support, Doc Lab Poland also connects the European documentary industry to the Polish documentary scene, thereby making the strong creative tradition of Polish documentary more widely known and accessible.

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With regards to the selection of Doc Lab Poland for the 2018 EDN Award, EDN Director Paul Pauwels states: “In times where national authorities and state structures seem to care less about freedom of expression, democratic values and creative artists, it is essential that we have initiatives fighting for the rightful existence of the documentary genre as an artistic expression and cornerstone of our democratic society. It is important to have organisations that create European collaborations and bridges to other national industries, especially in times where political structures tend to focus more on national preferences. I therefore believe it is a logical step to recognize Doc Lab Poland through the EDN Award 2018 for their outstanding contribution to the European documentary culture".

The award was presented to Adam Ślesicki at The EDN Award ceremony on 6 March during the Docs in Thessaloniki pitching forum organized by EDN during the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival.

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(Traducción del inglés)

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