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Los participantes en el Sunny Side buscan el equilibrio entre hechos históricos e impacto emocional

- Los realizadores describen las oportunidades creativas y los desafíos de los proyectos de no-ficción

Los participantes en el Sunny Side buscan el equilibrio entre hechos históricos e impacto emocional

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Documentaries involve a unique set of limitations. However, these restrictions often lead to creative choices that enable filmmakers to tell stories in innovative ways.

Janneke van de Kerkhof, line producer at Submarine (The Netherlands), applauds animation for its ability to “bring an extra narrative layer” to films, thereby enhancing their emotional depth.

Patrick Hoerl, managing director of Autentic (Germany), discusses a different storytelling method employed by some filmmakers: the re-enactment. He considers this technique to be an offshoot from fictional narratives- the result of directors and producers crossing back and forth between documentary and “the big screen.”

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Successful documentary filmmaking often boils down to maintaining the balance between truth and entertainment. There is a wide range of options for achieving this, with some aiming for literal representations of the topic at hand, versus others that focus more on symbolic interpretations. 

To watch the video in its entirety click here.


(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

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