Other videos

400 other videos available in total starting from 29/08/2002. Last updated on 03/09/2023. 4 other videos inserted in the last 12 months.

Meet Cineuropa @ #Venice2022 - Take 2

"If you watch this film, definitely take the biggest screen you have!"

Meet Cineuropa @ #Venice2022 - Take 2 by Elena Lazic

VENICE 2022: In the second episode of our series of short videos filmed at this year's Venice Film Festival, Elena Lazic meets Susanne Gottlieb  

Meet Cineuropa @ #Venice2022 - Take 3

"I hope the other films are maybe going to be a little funnier"

Meet Cineuropa @ #Venice2022 - Take 3 by Elena Lazic

VENICE 2022: In the third episode of our series of short videos filmed at this year's Venice Film Festival, Elena Lazic meets Marta Bałaga  

Meet Cineuropa @ #Venice2022 - Take 4

"One of the many things I love about this is sharing opinions and seeing where you synchronise with people"

Meet Cineuropa @ #Venice2022 - Take 4 by Elena Lazic

VENICE 2022: In the fourth episode of our series of short videos filmed at this year's Venice Film Festival, Elena Lazic meets David Katz  

Meet Cineuropa @ #Venice2023 - Take 1

Meet Cineuropa @ #Venice2023 - Take 1 by Elena Lazic

VENICE 2023: In the first episode of our series of short videos filmed at this year's Venice Film Festival, Elena Lazic meets David Katz  

Meet Cineuropa @ #Venice2023 - Take 2

Meet Cineuropa @ #Venice2023 - Take 2 by Elena Lazic

VENICE 2023: In the second episode of our series of short videos filmed at this year's Venice Film Festival, Elena Lazic meets Savina Petkova  

Men & Chicken

Filmtipp [DE]

Men & Chicken by Anders Thomas Jensen

Metti la nonna in freezer

Featurette 3 - Cosa hai messo in freezer? [it]

Metti la nonna in freezer by Giancarlo Fontana, Giuseppe Stasi

(3 other videos available)  

Premierenclip Berlinale [DE]

Les Miserables by Tom Hooper

A Monster Calls

Featurette - J. A. Bayona e Liam Neeson [it]

A Monster Calls by Juan Antonio Bayona

The Monuments Men

Featurette Le dernier vrai Monuments Man [FR]

The Monuments Men by George Clooney

(9 other videos available)  

A Most Wanted Man

Filmtipp [DE]

A Most Wanted Man by Anton Corbijn

Filmtipp [DE]

My Old Lady by Israel Horovitz

(2 other videos available)  


MyFrenchFilmFestival 2013 - Official Trailer 1


MyFrenchFilmFestival 2013 - Official Trailer 2

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