Film Reviews

7039 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 31/05/2024. 753 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.


Funan by Denis Do


Awarded Best Film at Annecy, Denis Do's directorial debut artfully lifts the veil on a family caught in the turmoil of the Khmer Rouge revolution  



Funny Cow by Adrian Shergold


Maxine Peake shines as a 1970s female comedian in this film directed by Adrian Shergold  

Funny Cow

Funny Cow

The Furies by Miguel del Arco


Acclaimed playwright Miguel del Arco’s cinematic début, the opening film at the 61st Seminci festival, exudes the mythological air of a classical tragedy  

Las Furias

Las Furias

The Fury of a Patient Man by Raúl Arévalo


VENICE 2016: The directorial debut of actor Raul Arévalo is a wild, bold, harsh and resolutely arthouse film, shot with a confidence and intensity that are surprising for a debut feature  

Tarde para la ira

Tarde para la ira

Futura by Pietro Marcello, Francesco Munzi, Alice Rohrwacher


CANNES 2021: Alice Rohrwacher, Pietro Marcello and Francesco Munzi’s documentary about young people and their vision of the future doesn’t go into great depth, but it captures the spirit of the age  



Futura by Lamberto Sanfelice


The focus placed on form in Lamberto Sanfelice’s second film prevents the movie from developing any real “jazz soul”  



The Future by Alicia Scherson


Alicia Scherson’s film, an Italian-Chilean coproduction with Germany and Spain was presented in its Italian sneak preview during the Rome Independent Film Festival. In theatres on June 6  

Futuro Beach by Karim Ainouz


In this superb film which operates like a ground swell, Karim Aïnouz composes his shots in an unprecedented and loving way  

Praia do Futuro

Praia do Futuro

El futuro by Luis López Carrasco


The Sevillian festival welcomes Luis López Carrasco’s Locarno-screened first feature film, one that looks at the present through fragments of the past  

El futuro

El futuro

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